Our membership fee is only $100 per family. Your membership fee partially supports the expenses related to your community center’s building association fees, utilities and other ongoing operational expenses. Your $100 entitles your family (including children up to 24 years old) to become members of SBPHF. Your membership plays a major role in supporting us to reach our goals and maintain the center’s daily operations. 

Membership benefits include:

  • You are entitled to nominate yourself or another member to be elected as a member of the organization’s Board of Directors.

  • Access to Farsi classes for all ages

  • Access to Persian dance classes

  • Access to Rumi classes

  • Free access bi- monthly Distinguished Speakers’ Lecture Series

  • Free access to member-only book club

  • Free access to recreational programs as offered

CLICK HERE to fill out our Membership Form and pay for Membership Dues